Friday 7 January 2011


Final pieces

This is my final magazine front cover;

Ths is my final magazine poster;

This is our final trailer;

This is our Teaser Trailer

Magazine front cover mockup

This is my magazine front cover mockup again it is slightly altered to my final cover i decided after looking at other empire magazines that it looked more professional.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Film poster mockup

This is my film poster mock up, as you can see when looking at my final poster there are slight changes I have made. I felt that after designing my poster the way I had on the mock up it didn’t give the feel that I was going for. And also after researching other posters I decided to design my poster the way I did.

Chapter sheets for takes


Shotlists & Runinng Order

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Questionnaire results

Question 3: Do you prefer horror films to other genres?

I had 100% response saying that no they didn't.

Question 4: Why don't you watch horror films?

I had 100% response with "I would prefer to watch something else"

Question 6: Why do you prefer this genre?

Comedy: Because its not scary

Action Comedy: It interests me

Drama: I get too scared in horror films.

Question 7: Would you consider watching a horror film?

100% response yes

Question8: If you answered yes to the previous question, what would make you watch a horror film?

Participant 1: Peers

Participant 2. The plot

Participant 3. Cast or type of horror.

Although i didn't get many people answering my questionnaire it is clear that there is a gap in the market for a psychological horror film. And although all of my participants said that they did not watch horror films they all did say that they would consider watching a horror film.